We have adopted! Actually we adopted her 4 months ago, but I thought I would introduce her to you now. This is Lucy, our black lab!
Blue Eyes and I decided that we needed to put a stop to the human production in our house. It was getting a little out of control here! Every nine months a new one was on its way. They seemed to be spontaneously appearing in my womb. We had 4 new humans in 5 years. We still look around, look at each other, and ask, "Where did these things come from?". At the discovery of the last human, my mom asked, "Did you figure out how it keeps happening yet?". I assured her that we found the source and that it will be promptly taken care of!
Now my problem is that they have grown too fast! Did you know that it was possible for a 7 year old girl to grow 2 inches in 3 months? We didn't until yesterday when we remeasured our kids on the wall in the laundry room. To our astonishment all of them grew an inch, all except Princess, who grew 2".
They are getting too big too fast, and I am hitting the beginning stages of empty nesting. I searched high and low for a dog on pet finder, because everyone told me a dog is a great way to get rid of empty nesting symptoms. It took 6 months of searching to find the perfect one. We found her though. Lucy is my amazingly perfect child, I mean dog. To my shock and amazment, my husband who is not always a dog lover, thinks the same about her as I do!
She never has accidents, even when we are out of the city for 16 hours and our wonderful youth pastor "forgets" to let her outside for us. (It all worked out though. I left his daugher's dirty diaper on an extra hour or two while watching her one day. I feel better now!)
She never is aggressive with my kids, even when my Baby Destroyer is lying on top of her. She plays in the yard with the kids with out a leash and never runs away. She is completely submissive. If I yell, she is mortified and will suck up to me for the next hour ( I feel better when that happens too! At least she cares.).
She is always cleaning! When the kids spill, she is right there beside me cleaning the mess up with me! She doesn't shed too much. Although, I do vacuum almost everyday since my kids shed. They shed crumbs instead of hair. That counts, right?
She allows me to baby her! Like this morning when a storm rolled in, again. She came right into my room and needed to snuggle. She doesn't kick, she sleeps in as long as I want, and she doesn't cry if I kick her out of my bed.
She never complains about what I serve her for dinner. I make the same thing for her everyday, and she eats it with out whining!
I love her and so does my family. When people ask how many people are in our family, my kids instantly say 7. They never forget to include her.
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