Saturday, July 12, 2008

I brought a gun into Walmart!

Don't you think I would be great at creating headlines for newspapers? I love making up titles to things. I have made up titles to books that I might someday write. I don't really think I have enough material to write them, but I have great titles that would make anyone in Barnes and Noble refrain from there caffeinated beverage and take a look.

You are all probably wondering about my story. Here goes. Dear husband decided that this would be an awesome day to go out for ice cream after dinner. It was a great idea. We all did the dishes and rushed out the door. Let me explain to you now that getting all 4 kids and myself out the door fully clothed, hair some what organized, and shoes on the right feet is quite a challenge. Not to mention, they all need to be securely buckled in their car seats.

So there we were, all 6 of us, standing in line at the ice cream shop. All the kids were yelling their orders to us. When I looked down, I saw my son had his toy gun in hand. We have a no toys allowed rule for our truck, because they always get lost or left in it. I also wasn't pleased with the type of toy he smuggled out of the house. I wasn't trying to hide anything, but I also am not wanting people to think that he can go around shooting whom ever he pleases. I quietly took the gun from him and put it into my motherly sized pocket.

On the way home we had to make a quick stop to Walmart. I ran in to get our items. As I looked down, I noticed that the pirate pistol was half hanging out of my pocket. My first reaction was, of course, to laugh! I love my boys. They are always trying to be heroes. But then my thoughts went to, "What if someone thinks this is a real gun?" All sorts of scenarios went through my mind. I instantly tried to push the gun further into my pocket so it couldn't be seen. It turns out that it was still too big to fit into my motherly abyss of a pocket. Instead of half the gun showing, I now only had the handle and the trigger peaking out.

I did make it out with out anyone knowing. I feel like a dare devil now thanks to my son. Yes, boys will be boys, and may there momma's never cease to enjoy it.

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