Saturday, December 13, 2008


I would love to tell you how I have decided that this is my day of rest, which it usually is. I would love to tell you that besides a few cleaning tasks, I have nothing planned except trying to find a good Sandra Bullock movie on TBS or reading a preselected book from the library today. I would love to say that I have no one coming over tonight so if I don't want to do the dishes today, I don't have to! But, it's not in my life plan today! Nope! Because I decided that Thursday was the day that I needed to crack the whip and get my house in order. It was a tornado zone from top to bottom. My dear husband actually commented that he has never seen it get that bad before. He usually says this same comment anytime the house is that bad, but this time I had to agree. So we slackers took the day off of school on Thursday, but that means that we have to school on Saturday! It sounded like a good idea at the time. Now, I am not so sure!


Nan said...

Oh my goodness... just followed you here from Ree's comments because you said you're a PW with four kids... So am I! And your about me section reminds me so much of myself... NOT typical PW (what *is* typical anyways?!) And I am a self-proclaimed terrible house-keeper!!

Nice to meet ya!!

pbajgrow said...

I am so honored! You followed me from PW! Wow!!!! Nice to meet ya!