Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day one: Who needs organization?

We started school yesterday. I had this big plan. Our lives were perfectly set out like a clean pair of clothes for the morning. I was prepared man. No one, and nothing could rock my new disciplined life.

He He Ha Ha Ho Ho! Nothing that is, except for life itself. (Note to readers: Every time that I try to be ultra disciplined, I have a catastrophe. Something comes flying into my life like a rock into a windshield. I have learned to embrace this with laughing and not stressing, for I am ordinarily random.)

Anywho, back to the story. It actually started the day before school started. It was a hot Sunday afternoon and we were to attend a picnic. Since my husband is on the church staff, I am sort of required to be there. I really did want to go. I love hanging out with people. I love to eat. Church people know how to cook. I love to watch as my kids are entertained by the other children. Since my kids are home schooled, they almost hyperventilate when other children are around them. They are always ready to make new friends. It was 90 degrees outside, but we had a great time. After a few hours of running hard and playing games it was time to go home. We arrived at home at 4pm and the kids all wanted some much needed rest time. "45 minutes" I told them and myself as I got sucked into my love seat.

Yeah 45 minutes! Famous last words. Try 3 hours later. We all rolled out of our cocoons and awoke from napping. It was now 7pm, an hour before bedtime. Don't you know the rule for the night before school? It is mandatory for kids to get to bed early the night before the first day of school. Every good parent requires it, and then rejoices in the fact that they are awesome parents because their kid is safely tucked into bed and will be smarter because it was early. We ate dinner at 8pm as the kids laughed at the realization that they were awake during forbidden hours. We finally got to put them to bed at 9:30. They fell asleep at about 10, 2 hours past bedtime!

Of course, this messed up the schedule that I worked so dang hard on. Some slept in, and some got up early. The ones that needed to sleep in are the ones that got up early. Mood swings and all, we did it though. We trudged through the murky waters of the first day of school. We, I mean I, cracked the whip and did all 16 subjects. This number is the amount of 4 kids combined. I officially have a 3rd grader, 1st grader, kindergartner, and a preschooler. I would like to face some one who thinks being a stay-at-home mom is boring.

1 comment:

Dad said...

I don't know how you do it.
Love ya