Friday, September 12, 2008

My First Born Son

When I had this little man, life changed. He brought a certain "oomph" into my life. He is super charged. He is full of life and energy, and at the same time has this little heart of gold. He is so caring. He will gladly give up something he wanted to someone who wants it more. He is the all around kind of guy. He makes friends everywhere. He wants to be just like his daddy.
About a week ago he told us that he wants to be an astronaut pastor. "Really, buddy?" I said. "Yeah, I need to go into space and I want to be a pastor and tell the whole world about God!" he said. My cup runneth over when he says things like that. Only a mother of a little boy could understand how stinking cute that sounds.
Sometimes he says things that blow me away. While at the doctor's office today, he made friends with this other little boy about his same age. They were playing in the little playhouse in the waiting room together. The little boy got excited about something and shouted, "Oh my god!". My son chimed in quickly and said, "Don't say oh my god! If you say oh my god, then God is going to come down and destroy your house!"
I quickly corrected him, but was laughing the whole time. The poor little boy he was talking to probably now has a true fear of God. All because the preacher's son decided to bring forth a little fire and brimstone! I love this kid. He makes my heart go pitter pat. And no, I don't believe that God is going to come down and destroy our houses.

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