Friday, August 29, 2008

It's been a while!

I have been really busy. I know I constantly say that, but I have been feeling it more this past month than ever. I have been meeting my goals and checking off my to-do list that needs to happen before we venture into our next school year. I have 2 days left and I think I finally have a handle of the fact that we are going to loose 6 hours a day of our weekdays. It actually doesn't take 6 hours to do school. It is about 2 hours per schooled child. Some have more, some have less depending on their grade level and, let's just say this bluntly, their mood that particular day.

Yes, yes it is a lot of work, but it is one of those kinds of jobs that is totally worth it when you look back at it. I know they are getting the best. I know how to push them and when to back off. We work as a team and get it done. Sorry, I didn't mean for this to be an advertisement for home schooling.

I just wanted to say that I started my new schedule today. I now get up at the butt crack of dawn. Actually no, I get up before dawn. The birds aren't even conscious yet. With this new phenomenon of me getting up early, I may have a moment to post the intricacies of my life and family and my random thoughts. I know you miss them. I miss them too. Talk to you soon.

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